blanks = '_______________'

ID# 317lang="en-US"> F2 How do we respond to earthquakes?|

F2 How do we respond to earthquakes?


There is no way to stop earthquakes, we can only reduce【降低】 their impacts【影響】 by setting up different _______________ preventive measures【預防措施】 and _______________ remedial measures【補救措施】.


Preventive measures【預防措施】 include setting up of

  1. _______________ monitoring system【監視系統】 and _______________ warning system【警示系統】,
  2. buildings with _______________ shock-proof design【防震設計】 in earthquake-prone regions【地震多發地區】,
  3. education【教育】 such as _______________ earthquake drills【地震演習】 – educate the public on how to respond【應對】 to earthquakes and
  4. better _______________ land use zoning【土地使用區劃】 – use high-risk【高風險】 areas only for greenbelts【綠化帶】 or recreation【娛樂】.

Remedial measures【補救措施】 include

  1. _______________ emergency assistanceefficient【高效的】 rescue【拯救】 and medical【醫療】 service, temporary shelters【臨時避難所】 and food ,
  2. _______________ rehabilitation【復原】 – the government helps restore the damaged buildings and infrastructure【基礎設施】 and provide counselling service【輔導服務】.