ID# 197
1. | It is the fifth year in a row【連續】 that we have visited the haunted【閙鬼的】 house at Disneyland on Halloween. |
2. | She whispered【低聲說】 in a shaky voice【用顫抖的聲線】, “Don’t leave me here!” |
3. | She grumbled【抱怨】 for a whole day about her son cleaning the house half-heartedly【敷衍了事地】. There is still a lot of dust on the floor. |
4. | Dad proclaimed【宣布】 proudly that he has found evidence【證據】 to prove the existence【存在】 of aliens. |
5. | He tripped【絆倒】 and fell on the ground. All his books were scattered【散落】 on the ground. |
6. | Dad is completely obsessed with【痴迷於】 mysterious【神秘的】 stories about aliens. He has hundreds of books about unsolved【未解的】 world mysteries. |
7. | She was startled【驚嚇】 by his sudden appearance【出現】 and so exclaimed【叫喊】 loudly. |
8. | Peter said impatiently【不耐煩地】, ” I told you there are no monsters. Just stop worrying.” |
9. | After running 10 km, he breathed with difficulty【有困難】. |
10. | Bigfoot is an enormous【巨大】, vicious-looking【邪惡面貌】, green monster. |
11. | I’m terrified【害怕】 of the dark, so I have to sleep with the lights on. |
12. | I’m confused【困惑】 about the arrangement【安排】 of Sports Day. I am not sure when the events are held. |
13. | The students are usually very noisy, but they are suspiciously【離奇的】 quiet today.Do you know what happened? |
14. | It is an imaginative【富於想像的】 idea to decorate【裝飾】 the house with recycled materials【再生材料】. |