F2 The negative impacts of earthquakes

ID# 89

The magnitude【強度】 of earthquakes is measured by the Richter Scale【黎克特震級】. The higher the magnitude, the powerful the earthquake is.


The impacts of earthquakes can be divided into two types

  1. Primary effects【直接影響】: collapse of buildings【建築物倒塌】/trees, damage of bridges/roads
  2. Secondary effects【次生影響】: tsunamis【海嘨】, landslides【山體滑坡】

Level of earthquake destruction【損壞】

  1. Richter Scale 1 – 2.9 : can only be detected【檢測】 by seismometers【地震儀】
  2. 3 – 3.9 : can be felt by people who live on upper floors
  3. 4 – 5.9 : everyone can feel the earthquake and poorly designed【設計不佳】/built buildings will be damaged
  4. 6 – 8.9 : widespread【廣泛的破壞】 damage happens and some buildings collapse【倒塌】
  5. 9+ : Ground surface is badly cracked【破裂】, almost total destruction【損壞】.
