ID# 2342
1. | When we look at the global climate pattern【全球氣候模式】, we usually refer to the temperature pattern and rainfall pattern. |
2. | Temperature decreases from the equator to poles(with increasing latitudes【緯度】). |
3. | The world can be broadly【籠統地】 divided into three temperature zones – tropical zone, temperate zone and polar zone. |
4. | Regions near the equator are wet throughout the year【全年】, with annual【全年】 rainfall more than 2,000 mm. Deserts【沙漠】, inland areas【內陸地區】 and high latitudes【高緯度地區】 regions are very dry, with annual rainfall less than 250 mm. Between these two extremes【極端】 are regions with seasonal differences【季節性差異】 in rainfall |
5. | The temperature and rainfall characteristics of different regions are grouped into six major climatic zones: Tropical climate【熱帶氣候】 – hot and wet all year round Temperate climate【溫帶氣候】 – cold winter and mild summer Polar climate【極地氣候】 – cold and dry all year round Mediterranean climate【地中海氣候】 – mild rainy winter and hot dry summer Arid climate【乾旱的氣候】 – dry all year round Mountain climate【山地氣候】 – cold all year round |